The site's typeface is EB Garamond, a free and open source implementation of Claude Garamond’s typeface, Garamond, and the matching Italic, Greek and Cyrillic characters designed by Robert Granjon. Its name is a shortening of Egenolff–Berner Garamond which refers to the fact that the letter forms are taken from the Egenolff–Berner specimen printed in 1592. (Ref: Wikipedia)
1978 art by Erika Weiss for the War Resisters League.
Detail of The Appeal, linocut print, 11.0 x 7.0 in, by Chittaprosad Bhattacharya (1915 - 1978), an Indian political artist of the mid-20th century.
Reconciliation Book Cover Art by Rick Beerhorst.
Detail of a woodcut by Irving Amen (1918–2011), an American painter, printmaker and sculptor.